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Our advanced data analytics and perform optimally. Our advanced data
analytics solution provides powerful insights with real-time access.
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Harness the Potential of Data in Clinical Asset Management

Get insights that can support your operations and strategic business decisions

Unified clinical asset knowledge

One simple system to manage all of your clinical assets, where they’re supposed to be and what condition they are in.

Get comprehensive, up-to-date records and configure custom fields to track the most important details that you need. Create unlimited attachments for visual repair histories, receipts, manuals, and more.

Smarter tech decisions

With your data, you can get the information and insights that are important for your business decisions.

Technology should make your life easier and not more difficult. With simplified end-of-life replacement workflows and notifications you can do a lot – track and trace the technology that creates issues for your end-users and support teams, save money by stopping double, purchases before they happen, end the scramble to replace tech and more.

A single source of truth

Get everyone into one system to make your life easier by eliminating endless email chains and spreadsheets.

The app allows anyone to submit or track repairs, expedite check-outs and conduct full equipment audits no matter where they are. With web, iOS and Android apps; speed up workflows for the entire team.

A Fully-Featured Solution for Clinical Asset Tracking


Create Barcodes
Get your own barcodes custom-designed and printed in just minutes. You’ll be able to eliminate manual lookups, saving you time.


Built-in QR Reader
Scan a barcode on your Android or iOS handheld device, and you can look up clinical asset records, request repairs, complete quick audits in seconds.


Mobile App
Using a robust mobile application, get your clinical asset information swiftly on Android or iOS handheld devices.


Mobile Audit
No more juggling data with conflicting reports and no need to schedule tedious audits. With full audit capabilities, you can easily assign them as well so it’s never too late for QA.


Track Maintenance
Simplify the repair process and ensure you’re always up-to-date with your equipment with swift repair requests and fulfilment sent from your mobile device.


Custom Notifications
You’ll be notified when it’s time to replace an asset, a user requests repairs or you’re running low on consumables.


Activity Record
File Attachments

With the click of a button, you can attach photos or videos for remote troubleshooting and put documents like receipts, warranty information, and manuals.


Create a Custom User Role
Limit access for technicians and employees, while making the end user’s view simpler. This will help increase adoption rates as well as keep records secure.

See Ravsol in action

Our FREE demo will show you how we can transform your clinical asset management system so it’s faster and more efficient.
